Coaching & Consulting
on Organisation Development
Exploring New Frontiers
Change is an absolute necessity to survive in this volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world. Sugarloaf offers pivotal, firsthand experience, maturity and extensive knowhow to make key people, teams and organisations more courageous and forward looking. .
Sugarloaf helps you walk into your future.

Coaching one-to-one
Coaching one-to-one is a way of learning and developing that is just-in-time and cost-effective. It works in the here and now. It focuses on the issues the coachee is struggling with in his or her work situation and those issues that show up in our coaching relationship. Coaching will build self-trust and belonging, enhance performance, prevent derailment and/or support the implementation of organisational change.
Team coaching is the next frontier in organisational development as it puts organisations on a path to competitive advantage. Team coaching is about developing collective leadership and co-creating a team culture in which team members can have courageous conversations, contribute and thrive. For large teams or teams which face significant challenges I work with Greet Aernoudt under the brand name Friction.

Consulting can take many forms depending on the needs of the client. It ranges from acting as a sounding board to management teams who have the ambition to move forward, organising a summit to generate ideas for a new strategy to redesigning an organisation’s structure. As a consultant in Sugarloaf I help you navigate complex challenges whatever they are and find a way forward by strengthening your skills of collaboration.
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